Research in the archive of the Instituto Bardi / Casa de Vidro is carried out in person at Casa de Vidro, at no cost to the researcher and accompanied by a staff member. The scheduling of an appointment will only take place after confirmation of receipt of the form and according to internal availability. The researcher must also send a list with the material that will be consulted at least one week before the scheduled time slot. The list of codes can be found on the online search page of our website.


  • It is allowed to transcribe the content of the documents.
  • Lina Bo Bardi’s drawings are accessed via a high-resolution digital file, whereas for the consultation of historical documents and photographs access is given to the physical material.
  • The researcher is not allowed to bring other people to the appointment. In cases of two or more researchers, it must be made explicit in the Comments / Observations field at the end of the form.
* mandatory information